Community Animal Hospital Blog
Posts Tagged ‘heatstroke in dogs’
Wednesday, June 4th, 2014
Warmer, summer days are just about here, so we need to be aware of how quickly the effects of heatstroke in dogs or overheating in dogs can happen in a closed car. Even open windows do not help enough to lower the temperature on a hot day. (more…)
Tags: dehydrated, dehydration, dog safety in hot weather, emergency treatment for heat stroke or overheated dogs, Halloween Pet Safety, heatstroke dog, heatstroke in dogs, how to help an overheated, overheating dog, Pet Safety Tips in NJ
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“Be it human or animal‚ touch is a life-giving thing. Has anyone ever had a stroke or a heart attack while cozied up with a pet? I doubt it.” ~ Robert Brault
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