Making the decision to have a dog become part of your family is a great one – but remember he or she will be a part of your family for the rest of his or her life, so be sure you are ready for the commitment. It’s wonderful if you have children that will grow together with your dog, but there are things you should consider before moving forward.
Children need some behavior guidance around dogs. Most kids are excited when first meeting, and move quickly, but that can startle the dog, especially when they are close to the dog’s face. They should approach calmly and pet gently with one hand first instead of trapping the dog in a hug he may not understand. There are times when children need to know that dogs need to be left alone, for example, when eating, chewing, sleeping or confined.
Dogs aren’t perfect, sometimes they make mistakes and chew things up or worse, eat them. Some dogs will eat anything like rocks, toys, underwear, socks and the list goes on! Your children need to know the difference between the dog’s toys and their own. This keeps both the toys and the dog safe!
Teach your children how to remove items, or toys from your dog’s mouth. Make sure to offer something better in return. This way your dog will not become worried about everything being taken away and will be more likely to give up an item he is not supposed to have.
Just like us dogs need exercise every day. Even if it is raining or snowing. A dog that does not have exercise or play time can become bored and act out. It helps to assign the “walkers” in your family. Your children will want to do this at first, but it is an everyday activity and responsibility.
Always ask an owner if it is ok to pet his dog! You and your child should stand back from a dog and ask the dog to come to you – if he comes willingly YEA! Otherwise don’t force the issue and move on.
Teach your children your dog’s signals. A happy dog smiles, mouth open, relaxed face and ears. His body is wiggly and tail is low and wagging. He is acting silly. This is a great time to play.
A stressed dog is tense and stiff. Mouth closed ears held back, eyes look hard and you can see the whites of their eyes. They furrow their brow. They hide. These behaviors signal an unhappy dog that needs to be left alone.
Once you’ve considered all the information and decide to adopt a dog into your family you should have a very fun and rewarding experience for years.
Visit these great websites: and for more information about adopting a dog into your family.
Tags: adopting a dog, adopting a dog with children, dogs and children, family dog, kids and dogs, pets and children