International Health Certificates for Morris County NJ Pets

International Health Certificates From Community Animal Hospital

For pets travelling outside the United States a special document is needed to bring your pet into another country. This document is called an International Health Certificate. If traveling to Europe or South America, an additional European Union or bilingual health certificate maybe required.

An accredited veterinarian is needed to endorse the health certificates. Dr. Sheila Bank, at Community Animal Hospital, is accredited by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to provide pet owners traveling abroad with this health certificate. The USDA is the official agency in charge of international certification and in most cases, needs to authorize the certificate.

Many countries require special forms or documents that are time sensitive. As a pet owner, you are responsible to find out what documents are needed for the country you are traveling to. Every country has their own specific requirements. To find the requirements necessary for your destination, go to You will need to access this website for current information. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the country's protocols prior to your office visit. It is important to start gathering information early so that you have plenty of time to complete all the requirements in time for your flight.

Specific questions and general information can be obtained from:

USDA Trenton @ 609-259-5261 / or
USDA Albany, N.Y. @ 518-218-7540 /

We encourage you to consult the airlines for their requirements for international travel as well. Health certificates for airlines often have a shorter expiration date (10 days) than the international certificates (< 30 days).

General information Dr. Bank will need to know is:

  • your country of destination
  • date of departure
  • the requirements of the USDA for that country.
  • Rabies vaccination status

Many countries require an implanted 15 number identification chip (ID) and a rabies vaccine given after or at the same time as the implanted chip. It is your responsibility to provide the appropriate documentation verifying the dates of these requirements.

At the time of your visit the requirements for travel will be discussed and your pet will have a physical exam. Depending on your destination - laboratory work, vaccines, microchipping and/or parasite treatments may be administered. Please plan accordingly as this requires extended office visit time and often requires more than one office visit.

Completion of the documents requires a USDA veterinarian's endorsement. To obtain the signature, all appropriate documents including a signed current rabies certificate, are sent along with a pre-paid return envelope to:

Attention: Export
500 New Karner Road, 2nd floor
Albany, N.Y. 11205

If you are leaving in less than 5 days, the documents and airline ticket verifying departure date can be taken, in person, to JFK Airport. Call for an appointment.

As long as all homework is done in an appropriate amount of time your pet and you will travel safely and stress free.

Thank you, any questions please give us a call!

“Animals are more than ever a test of our character‚ of mankind’s capacity for empathy and for decent‚ honorable conduct and faithful stewardship. We are called to treat them with kindness‚ not because they have rights or power or some claim to equality‚ but in a sense because they don’t; because they all stand unequal and powerless before us.” ~ Matthew Scully‚ Dominion

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