Community Animal Hospital in Morris Plains NJ Treats Pets With Urinary & Kidney Problems

The veterinary professionals at Community Animal Hospital treat urinary tract problems in pets such as bladder and kidney stones, urinary tract infections, crystals in the urine, obstructions, kidney failure, incontinence, and urinary mishaps.
Symptoms of Urinary Tract Problems
In diagnosing urinary tract concerns, we look first to your pet's behavior to determine whether this is a medical problem or an inappropriate behavior issue. Often, what may appear to be a behavioral issue, such as soiling in the house, may in fact be a symptom of a serious medical problem. We recommend you contact our office to report any behaviors of this type in your pet:
- Soiling in inappropriate places
- Constant licking of urinary opening
- Increased water consumption
- Inability to urinate or only passing a small amount of urine
- Increased amount or frequency of urination
Additional symptoms of a possible urinary tract problem include:
- Loss of bladder control
- Dribbling urine
- Straining or pain when eliminating
- Strong odor to the urine
- Bloody or cloudy urine
- Fever
- Lethargy
- Vomiting
- Changes in appetite
- Distended abdomen
- Weight loss
- Severe back pain
Your Community Animal Hospital veterinarian has a variety of ways to determine if your pet has a urinary tract problem or kidney disease. We will perform a physical examination of your pet and take blood and urine samples. Radiographs, ultrasound, blood pressure, or even a biopsy of the kidney may also be performed.
Causes of Urinary Problems in Pets
Endocrine diseases, such as hyperthyroidism and diabetes, can cause urinary tract problems in both cats and dogs. Senior pets may be inclined to bacterial infections of the urinary tract as well, leading to incontinence.
Male cats are generally more prone to urethral blockages because of their narrower urethras. Some dogs may develop certain types of bladder stones.
Kidney disease is most prevalent in older cats, but can occur at any age in animals that are predisposed to such hereditary kidney problems. Additionally, outdoor cats run a greater risk of problems due to their increased exposure to toxins that can cause kidney failure, such as antifreeze.
Treatments for Your Pet
Depending on your pet's diagnosis, any of the following treatments may be recommended:
- Antibiotics
- Medications or supplements
- Dietary changes
- Increase in water intake
- Intravenous or subcutaneous fluid therapy
At Community Animal Hospital, we are also able to perform Hydrourethral Propulsion, a technique to remove smaller bladder stones without surgery. This procedure is not performed in most area veterinary facilities.
Your pet may require surgery to remove bladder stones, tumors, or to correct a congenital abnormality. Or, it may be necessary to initiate treatment of an underlying condition that is contributing to the problem, such as diabetes.
If you suspect a urinary tract or kidney problem in your pet, contact us at once to schedule a veterinary exam.
Explore this topic more thoroughly at AAHA's Healthy Pet.
For more information about urinary tract concerns and kidney disease in your pets, visit the Pet Health Center of WebMD to research common conditions for dogs or cats.
- Services
- General Veterinary Surgery
- Orthopedic Surgery
- Dental Surgery
- Internal Medicine
- Cardiology
- Dermatology
- Gastroenterology
- Endocrinology
- Pet Cancer Care
- Immune System Treatment
- Urinary Tract Treatment
- Emergency Pet Care
- Exotic Pet Care
- Ultrasound
- Digital Radiography
- Nutrition Counseling
- Behavior Counseling
- Microchipping
- Health Certificates