Pet Health Care Basics From Community Animal Hospital in Morris County NJ

Pet Health Care From Community Animal Hospital

Pet owners often have questions about pet care, wish to learn more about the health of their animals, or might even like to explore the possibility of a new type of pet. Your friends at Community Animal Hospital are here to help. We have provided a set of basic information in this section for your education and convenience.

Learn more about wellness care for puppies, kittens, and senior pets:

Exotics, Reptiles and Birds:

For information about topics related to pet health care, we offer the following:

Enjoy exploring these basic topics about animal care and feel free to check out the many links to informational websites about pet care. Remember, this is general information and each article is only a brief overview of a topic.

For in-depth answers to specific concerns about your pet, please contact Community Animal Hospital.

“If all the beasts were gone‚ men would die from a great loneliness of spirit‚ for whatever happens to the beasts also happens to the man. All things are connected. Whatever befalls the Earth befalls the sons of the Earth.” ~ Chief Seattle of the Suquamish Tribe‚ letter to President Franklin Pierce

ServicesVeterinary Services


We have been providing extraordinary veterinary services to Morris County pets for more than a quarter of a century.

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921 Route 53, Morris Plains, NJ 07950 • Directions • 973.267.4220